HOW THE FAKE "SHILL GIRLS" OF MATCH.COM, OK CUPID AND POF WORK You just joined one of the top 5 dating sites. You message some attractive ladies right near you. You get some responses. Alas, you don't realize that those "hot ladies", now messegaing with you, are actually all a guy with a goatee, named Wu Lee, in the Philipines. While you see lots of talk about these dating services, "not allowing fake profiles", they are, in fact, the ones who hire the "shill Farms" to supply them with the fake date experiences. They only use them for guys because women always get flooded with actual guys contacting them. Many of the pictures are from the ex-websites of dead Russian hookers. The first red flags: - Your date is out "of the area for a few weeks", or longer, on a trip or some big project so that a real person doesn't actually have to show up. - They have some other excuse to not meet you for a few weeks. The psychology is that no guy will wait that long and move on to the next candidate. Alas, the next candidate , and the next, and the next, is, more often than not, that same guy Wu Lee. If you are savvy enough to track them in your calender and follow-up a few days after they are supposed to "return to town", they will tell you that they just happened to have met someone on their trip. - They won't talk on the phone. While talking to a person on a dating site is very comforting, the Shill Farms have escalation Teams that route phone call requests to sex phone operators, with your local accent, who do double duty as fake phone dates and fake sex call takers. Even if you talk on the phone, it still is not gauranteed that you don't have a shill. - The shill starts asking you very specfic detailed personal data about yourself. In real world dating, nobody asks that kind of stuff before their first date. You look at each other, decide if you both look OK and off you go to the movies or dinner that Saturday. The reason the shills want detailed data on you is that the Shill Farm bosses make money from both providing fake profiles AND harvesting your private data for data harvesting banks. - They try to keep you on the site for as long as possible. The Shill Farmer has a third way of making money off of you. It is called "Spoofing". The more volumes of people the dating site can show for their subscriptions and advertisers, the more money they can make. - They won't meet. For most people, the purpose of a dating site is to meet someone you can hug, squeeze, kiss and go do things with. It should seem odd to you, if your potential date won't meet in person ASAP. If they were real, you would think they would want to see how both of you are, in-person, before wasting time. Terms: Shill- A person pretending to be someone else, or another gender, in order to suck you in to some scheme to get your money or your data Shill Farm - A large building, apartment complex, warehouse or other building where large numbers of shills are based Shill Farmer - The owner of the Shill Farm. Often Russian mobsters, Asian gangs or Nigerian cartels Dating Harvester -, Plenty of Fish, OK Cupid and similar automatted conglomerate-owned dating services that are in the business for far different reasonsthan you might think Trolling - Working the pretext to try to get the victim/target guy sucked into the scheme. Using different scenarios and talking scripts to get the target to loosen their guard. Spoofing - creating fake user volume numbers in order to help dating sites trick advertisers into paying more/